Why You Should Absolutely Change Blog Names

The peculiar thing about blog names is that the longer and more complicated they are, the more unique and perhaps memorable they become. However, this is not a sound social media strategy. Whether you are a casual blogger who writes about daily experiences or a seasoned pro who is an expert in your field, you may want to change blog names if
Your blog’s name is difficult to spell.

There are blog names which are tough on the computer keyboard. We remember blog names that are named after individuals by virtue of these people becoming established and famous to begin with. A more telling clue that their blog’s are more memorable is because they have under 40-60 characters. If you are thinking of starting a blog and you have not picked a name yet, consider using your real name only if you think it wouldn’t take a total stranger more than half a minute to remember how to spell it.

Easy to remember
Easy to spell
Easy on the characters used!
Your blog’s name is too long.

This is a problem that may or may not be under your control. You may have chosen a name that’s perfectly of acceptable length (say, 4-5 syllables) – but you are hosting it on a blog platform that adds even more characters to your chosen name. An innocently named blog such as “wordpresspro.com” becomes a mouthful when hosted on a blog platform (even worse when specific to a country): “wordpresspro.wordpress.com.ph” is a sentence by itself!

“KISS” – Keep it simple, silly
Short and sweet
Consider getting your own domain!
Your blog’s name is too similar to another.

You may have a solid search engine optimization (SEO) strategy in place, but if your blog’s name is confused with another website that also shows up in search results as often as yours, you risk losing meaningful and important traffic. Blog’s with very ‘common’ words, i.e. ones which use common words and organization, are likely to have similar-sounding and similarly-spelled competition. Research first and change as necessary, making sure that the name is unique but still personal.
Research similar-sounding names
Be unique
Keep your blog’s personality in mind